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If you talk about that subject you may be subject to cancellation by your peers, even long-time friends. Take a position different than a church member on politics, education, social issues and more they may leave. One astute observer noted that some have left their churches if the pastor or leadership did not hold to the preferred Party line. That same person asserted no member ever left their Party over the position of their Pastor or Church Leadership. Welcome to pastoring in the 21st Century. You need encouragement and insights that may help you graciously engage your calling in the midst of disagreeable times. Can we talk is a place to raise issue of the intersection of pastoring, life and thinking theologically. Subscribe to get full access to the newsletter and website. Never miss an update.

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Pastoring from the Edge of the Inside


Pastor, Writer, Consultant, Co-Founder Pastors for Oklahoma Kids, Blogging @ The Edge of the Inside. Home of patheological: A Podcast for the Pastor-Theologian